The Awesome Blog


09 Jul 2022


This is short writup for an easy room Committed (One of our developers accidentally committed some sensitive code to our GitHub repository. Well, at least, that is what they told us…) on tryhackme Go check it out.

Checking the file type.

file Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract, compression method=store

Unzipping the file

   creating: commited/
   creating: commited/.git/
   creating: commited/.git/logs/
   creating: commited/.git/logs/refs/
   creating: commited/.git/logs/refs/heads/
  inflating: commited/.git/logs/refs/heads/dbint  
  inflating: commited/.git/logs/refs/heads/master  
  inflating: commited/.git/logs/HEAD  
   creating: commited/.git/refs/
   creating: commited/.git/refs/tags/
   creating: commited/.git/refs/heads/
 extracting: commited/.git/refs/heads/dbint  
 extracting: commited/.git/refs/heads/master  
   creating: commited/.git/info/
  inflating: commited/.git/info/exclude  
 extracting: commited/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/
   creating: commited/.git/objects/da/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/da/b5a1b99756122e83df66ea1a86d81257b2ec47  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/dc/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/dc/1ca4ca1d54e7a4ac6757c9b98bd1be0a8ed2f0  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/26/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/26/bcf1aa99094bf2fb4c9685b528a55838698fbe  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/69/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/69/d6211898e43bfe15ab5a4cad1690b9be1115f8  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/74/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/74/2b40ee5d0597b0595f60998305605186ab29db  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/9e/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/9e/cdc566de145f5c13da74673fa3432773692502  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/info/
   creating: commited/.git/objects/3a/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/3a/8cc16f919b8ac43651d68dceacbb28ebb9b625  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/b0/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/b0/eda7db60a1cb0aea86f053816a1bfb7e2d6c67  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/94/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/94/a7ea670b13f698012abd246ab08b76d95643c8  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/28/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/28/c36211be8187d4be04530e340206b856198a84  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/c7/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/c7/18c75179d46ba5a1d21dc351a39c0dfb257d3d  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/08/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/08/178a40f4b3585566b539985399f51bbcc7ae22  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/6e/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/6e/1ea88319ae84175bfe953b7791ec695e1ca004  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/0b/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/0b/8b1d537ea651d504d29c1556d7dcbcf76a5d57  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/pack/
   creating: commited/.git/objects/40/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/40/754840a68f85ad8d963f1556a3f24b51cef4fa  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/16/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/16/1979c948240de867b5c0a4079d7e2c7f6d4e04  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/c5/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/c5/6c470a2a9dfb5cfbd54cd614a9fdb1644412b5  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/38/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/38/0dd9b32cc8429638c09cc857cc0ef2ff8f8e50  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/df/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/df/e24c9e9ae78d8339e44d0c9e32dde9b9efe148  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/45/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/45/b137061d385e2f5c05cccc7fd13873f2ce18b1  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/0e/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/0e/1d395f33767d795f3ff66ceac6c792629d40d2  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/b3/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/b3/7056e8583abc13547fe146c7ee9d905ac8488c  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/44/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/44/f3cb396ce178127b2dca6fa903113152710129  
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/44/7ef7f1f03534fbea17f61ef3c2e610fcf23693  
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/44/1daaaa600aef8021f273c8c66404d5283ed83e  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/54/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/54/d0271a615735240d22dcd737b4bf26cbe9d43f  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/4e/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/4e/ca752261f327712539fc04f81e7f335a69b429  
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/4e/16af9349ed8eaa4a29decd82a7f1f9886a32db  
   creating: commited/.git/objects/fd/
 extracting: commited/.git/objects/fd/132b91ad2a752dd39ce22bc1c55c0e5c38ab84  
  inflating: commited/.git/index     
   creating: commited/.git/hooks/
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/pre-push.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/post-update.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/update.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample  
  inflating: commited/.git/config    
 extracting: commited/.git/HEAD      
   creating: commited/.git/branches/
  inflating: commited/.git/description  
  inflating: commited/        
  inflating: commited/  

Contents in the directory

ls -la                    
total 20
drwxrwxr-x 3 kali kali 4096 Feb 13 03:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 kali kali 4096 Jul  9 11:35 ..
drwxrwxr-x 8 kali kali 4096 Feb 13 03:50 .git
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kali kali  982 Feb 13 03:50
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kali kali  393 Feb 13 03:50

File contents :

# Commited 

## About the Project

Commited is our project created to manage our databases, Commited will bring help our database management team by simplfying database management by using our python scripts.

## Project Status


## Team

Our development team consists of finest developers and we work simultaneously using our cool version control methodology. We are the BEST.


import mysql.connector

def create_db():
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
    user="", # Username Goes Here
    password="" # Password Goes Here

    mycursor = mydb.cursor()

    mycursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE commited")

def create_tables():
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
    user="", #username Goes here
    password="", #password Goes here

    mycursor = mydb.cursor()

    mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE customers (name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))")

def populate_tables():
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

    mycursor = mydb.cursor()

    sql = "INSERT INTO customers (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)"
    val = ("John", "Highway 21")
    mycursor.execute(sql, val)


    print(mycursor.rowcount, "record inserted.")


The above code is simple it just create a database named “commited” then create a table and insert values in it, nothing unusual here.

As it’s a git directory we can check commit logs.

git log                                             
commit 28c36211be8187d4be04530e340206b856198a84 (HEAD -> master)
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:49:32 2022 -0800


commit 9ecdc566de145f5c13da74673fa3432773692502
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:40:19 2022 -0800

    Database management features added.

commit 26bcf1aa99094bf2fb4c9685b528a55838698fbe
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:32:49 2022 -0800

    Create database logic added

commit b0eda7db60a1cb0aea86f053816a1bfb7e2d6c67
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:30:43 2022 -0800

    Connecting to db logic added

commit 441daaaa600aef8021f273c8c66404d5283ed83e
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:28:16 2022 -0800

    Initial Project.

Lets check the commits one by one.

git show 441daaaa600aef8021f273c8c66404d5283ed83e
commit 441daaaa600aef8021f273c8c66404d5283ed83e
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:28:16 2022 -0800

    Initial Project.

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d6211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Commited 
+## About the Project
+Commited is our project created to manage our databases, Commited will bring help our database management team by simplfying database management by using our python scripts.
+## Team
+Our development team consists of finest developers and we work simultaneously using our cool version control methodology. We are the BEST.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe24c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+print("Hello World\n")

It contains nothing except a print("Hello World\n")

git show b0eda7db60a1cb0aea86f053816a1bfb7e2d6c67
commit b0eda7db60a1cb0aea86f053816a1bfb7e2d6c67
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:30:43 2022 -0800

    Connecting to db logic added

diff --git a/ b/
index dfe24c9..44f3cb3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,10 @@
-print("Hello World\n")
+import mysql.connector
+mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
+  host="localhost",
+  user="", # Username Goes Here
+  password="" # Password Goes Here

Nothing important here too , just removed the hello world with mysql connect functionality.

git show 26bcf1aa99094bf2fb4c9685b528a55838698fbe
commit 26bcf1aa99094bf2fb4c9685b528a55838698fbe
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:32:49 2022 -0800

    Create database logic added

diff --git a/ b/
index 44f3cb3..447ef7f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,5 +6,8 @@ mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
   password="" # Password Goes Here
+mycursor = mydb.cursor()
+mycursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE commited")

Same here database create functionality added.

git show 9ecdc566de145f5c13da74673fa3432773692502
commit 9ecdc566de145f5c13da74673fa3432773692502
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:40:19 2022 -0800

    Database management features added.

diff --git a/ b/
index 447ef7f..161979c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,13 +1,49 @@
 import mysql.connector
-mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
-  host="localhost",
-  user="", # Username Goes Here
-  password="" # Password Goes Here
+def create_db():
+    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
+    host="localhost",
+    user="", # Username Goes Here
+    password="" # Password Goes Here
+    )
-mycursor = mydb.cursor()
+    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
-mycursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE commited")
+    mycursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE commited")
+def create_tables():
+    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
+    host="localhost",
+    user="", #username Goes here
+    password="", #password Goes here
+    database="commited"
+    )
+    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
+    mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE customers (name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255))")
+def populate_tables():
+    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
+    host="localhost",
+    user="",
+    password="",
+    database="commited"
+    )
+    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
+    sql = "INSERT INTO customers (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)"
+    val = ("John", "Highway 21")
+    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
+    mydb.commit()
+    print(mycursor.rowcount, "record inserted.")

Nothing here too , just the table creation and poputating table with values.

git show 28c36211be8187d4be04530e340206b856198a84
commit 28c36211be8187d4be04530e340206b856198a84 (HEAD -> master)
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:49:32 2022 -0800


diff --git a/ b/
index 69d6211..0b8b1d5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
 Commited is our project created to manage our databases, Commited will bring help our database management team by simplfying database management by using our python scripts.
+## Project Status
 ## Team
 Our development team consists of finest developers and we work simultaneously using our cool version control methodology. We are the BEST.

Creation of

So we get nothing till now, so now what. Lets check the other branches.

git branch     
* master

Here we have a dbint branch, it looks intresting, lets switch branch.

git switch dbint 
Switched to branch 'dbint'

Getting git commit logs again

git log                                          
commit 4e16af9349ed8eaa4a29decd82a7f1f9886a32db (HEAD -> dbint)
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:48:08 2022 -0800

    Reminder Added.

commit c56c470a2a9dfb5cfbd54cd614a9fdb1644412b5
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:46:39 2022 -0800


commit 3a8cc16f919b8ac43651d68dceacbb28ebb9b625
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:45:14 2022 -0800

    DB check

commit 6e1ea88319ae84175bfe953b7791ec695e1ca004
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:43:34 2022 -0800

    Note added

commit 9ecdc566de145f5c13da74673fa3432773692502
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:40:19 2022 -0800

    Database management features added.

commit 26bcf1aa99094bf2fb4c9685b528a55838698fbe
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:32:49 2022 -0800

    Create database logic added

commit b0eda7db60a1cb0aea86f053816a1bfb7e2d6c67
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:30:43 2022 -0800

    Connecting to db logic added

commit 441daaaa600aef8021f273c8c66404d5283ed83e
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:28:16 2022 -0800

    Initial Project.

We can see some new commits here. Lets check them out one by one.

git show 6e1ea88319ae84175bfe953b7791ec695e1ca004
commit 6e1ea88319ae84175bfe953b7791ec695e1ca004
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:43:34 2022 -0800

    Note added

diff --git a/Note b/Note
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eca752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Note
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Branch DBint
+This branch is being used to test the code with the mysql server. 
diff --git a/ b/
index 69d6211..4075484 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Commited is our project created to manage our databases, Commited will bring hel
 ## Team
 Our development team consists of finest developers and we work simultaneously using our cool version control methodology. We are the BEST.

Nothing of intrest , lets move on.

git show 3a8cc16f919b8ac43651d68dceacbb28ebb9b625
commit 3a8cc16f919b8ac43651d68dceacbb28ebb9b625
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:45:14 2022 -0800

    DB check

diff --git a/ b/
index 161979c..54d0271 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import mysql.connector
 def create_db():
     mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
-    user="", # Username Goes Here
-    password="" # Password Goes Here
+    user="root", # Username Goes Here
+    password="flag{find_your_own_flag}" # Password Goes Here
     mycursor = mydb.cursor()
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ def create_db():
 def create_tables():
     mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
-    user="", #username Goes here
-    password="", #password Goes here
+    user="root", #username Goes here
+    password="flag{find_your_own_flag}", #password Goes here
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ def create_tables():
 def populate_tables():
     mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
-    user="",
-    password="",
+    user="root",
+    password="flag{find_your_own_flag}",

Bingo we got our flag. But lets check the last log.

git show 4e16af9349ed8eaa4a29decd82a7f1f9886a32db
commit 4e16af9349ed8eaa4a29decd82a7f1f9886a32db (HEAD -> dbint)
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:48:08 2022 -0800

    Reminder Added.

diff --git a/Note b/Note
index 4eca752..fd132b9 100644
--- a/Note
+++ b/Note
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 # Branch DBint
-This branch is being used to test the code with the mysql server. 
+This branch is being used to test the code with the mysql server.
+## Reminder
+Please don't hardcode password, use enviroment variables where possible. 

lets see what was in the third branch

git switch list                                     
Switched to branch 'list'

git log        
commit 28c36211be8187d4be04530e340206b856198a84 (HEAD -> list, master)
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:49:32 2022 -0800


commit 9ecdc566de145f5c13da74673fa3432773692502
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:40:19 2022 -0800

    Database management features added.

commit 26bcf1aa99094bf2fb4c9685b528a55838698fbe
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:32:49 2022 -0800

    Create database logic added

commit b0eda7db60a1cb0aea86f053816a1bfb7e2d6c67
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:30:43 2022 -0800

    Connecting to db logic added

commit 441daaaa600aef8021f273c8c66404d5283ed83e
Author: fumenoid <>
Date:   Sun Feb 13 00:28:16 2022 -0800

    Initial Project.

All the same.

Moral of the story, never hardcode passwords and commit it. That all for this writeup.